Well, it's been several years since I've posted something here, and more than a few things have changed since then. One of them is that there are now numerous websites that have popped up that use the name "dialegomai"! I sent emails to a few of them to let them know that I'm here, and to encourage them to clearly identify themselves (as I have done) so that people will not confuse us. Some agreed, other refused. Ah well, at least I tried.
Another change is that dialegomai : online resources will soon sever ties with 150m.com, the original website that dialegomai appeared on. Instead, the current mirror site (which is now located at http://www.dialegomai.webs.com/) will become the new "official" website of dialegomai. So please update your bookmarks to reflect this change.
A third change is that I finally graduated, and finally have some time to work on updating and fixing and adding links, removing and adding some sections, revamping the HTML code so it looks better, and doing things that time did not permit me to spend much time doing over the past few years. I hope to have it all done and ready by August.
A fourth change is that I'm going to try to use this blog more often. As you may have noticed, I'm not much of a blogger. So for the time being, I'll just use this ditty to update people on what is happening with dialegomai.
Fifth, I have removed most (if not all) of the previous posts in this blog.
Sixth, I hope you like the new dialegomai that is in the works. It isn't a major change (what do you expect? I still use HTML!), but I hope you will find it useful nonetheless. Until then, take care and feel free to add your recommendations for useful resource links along with their links. Thanks!