Coming Soon ...
After several years of taking leave of dialegomai: online resources to address other priorities (mainly family) and reassess what it is that I want dialegomai to provide, I thought I would inform those who are interested that I'm not done with it. I've invested some time looking into what free resources the internet provides and contemplating how I might be able to use some of them to improve, supplement, or complement dialegomai.
With regards to dialegomai's primary website, I've decided to remove several sections (perhaps temporarily) and I am currently checking and updating links locally as time permits (i.e. on the HTML file located on my computer). I will not update the online website until I am done.
Also, for anyone using a browser that is incompatible with HTML5 and CSS3, I'm still coding dialegomai using HTML 4.01. This will remain unchanged until I have enough time and patience to learn and become familiar with HTML5 and CSS3.
Otherwise, I hope you find this blog site helpful. I will try to keep it updated as time permits.
Roger Schremmer